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The Help Center is designed to provide a complete self-service support option for your customers. It lets them search for an article to learn a task, or ask fellow users for solutions to problems. If they can't find an answer, they can still submit a request to an agent.

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    why can't I get access to the free webinars? I put in my email address, received the confirmation email and followed the link. When I go to the Free Webinar link I get the list of free webinars, but there is no way to play them.

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    I'm still waiting on my request for the credit I should have received when enrolling into the CCNA In 60 Days program.  I tried to use the discount  codes with no success.  Which caused me to pay $67 for the course, when I should have been charges $27 for the course.  Please tell me that you will credit my VISA card for the $40 difference or what do you suggest to correct the situation? Thanks

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    My email address is jr_hardaway1@hotmail.com

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    How do I get access to the new CCNA video course?


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    Janet Bowen

    Hi I have purchased the new book and cannot add picture Amazon rec 203-2960285-1112343 I hope this will suffice

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    I have purchase the new book from amazon

    Cisco CCNA Simplified: Your Complete Guide to Passing the Cisco CCNA Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions Exam

    Order # 112-5255056-7807468

    Order Placed: May 18, 2020
    Amazon.com order number: 112-5255056-7807468
    Order Total: $53.35
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    Peter Mendieta

    Good evening Mr. Browing, for this course Cyber Opps I do not have any Cisco Certification or any certification. I can take this course yes or not,I think the first test is CCNA, and I do not have it. How much is going to cost me before enroll. Thank you kindly.

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    Please instruct how to access the Linux course. I want to take the Linux course then move on to Python. Linux is a prerequisite.



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